when the one man loves the one woman, and the one woman loves the one man, the very angels leave heaven and come sit in that house and sing for joy. ~brahma
greatest hits
days like this...
- chris is out of town and we don't get to look forward to him walking through the door to sweep us off our feet.
- ben wets his pants. twice.
- ben forgets to "aim" properly and momma gets soaked. momma doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.
- ben views nap time as optional.
- the dog chews a beloved stuffed animal.
- every time momma hears the word "no" (which is very, very often), her face starts to twitch uncontrollably. help.
- august starts to feel like the longest month in the history of months (mother's day out hasn't started yet, and neither has momma's job).
- we are so lucky to have a man that (when in town) walks through the door every day excited to sweep us off our feet.
- ben poops in the potty now, and not in his pants. that's major.
- most of the time, pee actually ends up in the toilet.
- our dog just misses daddy, like we do.
- even though "no" is a ben favorite, so is "i love you" and "momma, you's happy? my's happy!" also, "actually" is a new word in the repertoire, which is quite hilarious, as is the substitution of "one day" for "right now" (ex. "my's hungry one day.")
- today is the last day of august.
greatest hits

so long, thomas...
ben lately
the road goes on forever

a trip to remember
go, cubs, go!
(originally written about a month ago)
chris can check it off the bucket list! we went to a cubs game (he went to two), and they won! so not only did he get to see his beloved cubbies, we are now convinced that they won because we were there. i have a feeling that there will be more trips to chicago during baseball season in our future. ben is too young to enjoy it now, but we know that it is just a matter of time before he will fall in love with baseball.
we crammed a lot of goodness into just a couple of days. we didn’t exactly escape the heat, but at least as texans we are pretty used to soul-crushing temperatures ;) we went with some of our dearest friends, which makes this about the millionth vacation i have taken with jennifer since our youth group days. we stayed in a really incredible hotel in a good location. i truly do not have the proper vocabulary to describe the delicious awesomeness of the hotel bed. see? we were able to spend some time with one of my oldest friends who is a chicago resident. we shopped. we cheered for the cubs. we drank beer in the second oldest baseball stadium in the country. we won! we had a dance party. we rode on a boat. we learned about architecture. we ate deep dish pizza and chicago dogs. we ogled at the beauty of chicago. we went to second city and laughed non-stop for 3 hours.
the only thing i could possibly complain about was the heat. but then we came home and were immediately suffocated by to 90% humidity. we missed our baby. and truly, i am so happy to be home with nothing to do but laundry.