we did it. crosby's nursery is finished. now my brain can rest. i am so, so proud of how it turned out. it feels so personal. take a look and i'll show you why:
this is the view as you walk into the tiny nursery. my momma made the curtains for the giant window. our "theme" (that word bugs me) was giraffes and trees, and we ended up with a few jungle animals in there, too.
to the left of the window, above the rocking chair hangs this sweet painting (a shower gift).
continuing counter-clockwise around the room is the crib that once belonged to me, my sister, some cousins, and ben. yes, it is a now-feared drop-sided crib. and yes, he'll be fine. my mom made the crib bedding out of fabric patterned with small green trees.
and here is crosby's quilt. my momma made this, also. everyone in the family has their own and baby crosby is no exception. she's crafty, my momma.
this mobile was purchased here by chris' sweet parents. it reminds me of leaves, which is why i love it. it hangs directly above the crib. 
once all of the furniture was in place, the large wall over the crib looked so empty. we left it that way because ben knocked the canvas that hung above his crib off of the wall as soon as he was old enough to stand in his crib. it scared the bejeezus out of us, so we opted not to hang anything this time around. but it just looked so, i dunno, sad and lonely. then i remembered that my friend coren (whom i have known since elementary school) is the genius behind a very successful etsy business, elephannie. she makes really beautiful vinyl decals that mount flat onto walls. she has incredibly creative designs for every room of your house/business. i spotted these safari animals and knew they had to be ours. they stick to the wall so there is no risk of crosby knocking them off the wall and giving himself a concussion. please go to coren's etsy shop and buy something! you won't be sorry. 
even though the assembly of these ikea shelves almost cost us our marriage (i kid), they look really great and are such a space saver already. the baskets hold toys and books and other goodies. thank you, h & l.
this is my mini gallery wall.
please forgive the angle of these photos, they are hung high on the wall. this first photo is by another friend of mine, who just happens to be a very talented photographer. her company is named melmarie photography. click to view her gallery and book her now. you will not be sorry. we already have her on the books to take newborn pictures of crosby. i. cannot. wait. (she took this picture of a giraffe at the state fair of texas.) this giraffe photograph was on my wishlist and purchased here. i covered the mat with decorative paper because the white on white was a little too boring. on the left is ben's handprint of the sign for 'i love you'. and the quirky giraffe on the right was found in this etsy shop. stole the sonogram idea from a blog (big surprise, i know. how did i ever find out about anything before i read blogs?)
this is the dresser/changing table. i stole the mirror idea from my sister-in-law (hi, karin!). that shiny rectangle thingy above the mirror is actually a lamp from ikea.
here it is again, but all lit up with big brother ben cheesin' for the camera up front. you can't tell in the photo, but the light is white glass with green polka-dots.
this is the view of the nursery looking from the changing table. i think it turned out pretty sweet.
now all we need is the baby.