
greatest hits

it's been a while since my last greatest hits with thanksgiving and all, so please bear with the buttload of pictures.  thanks, my lovelies.  i am one tired momma today, so i'll keep it short and sweet. xoxoxo

1) thanksgiving program (proud parent moment).  isn't out little indian native american adorable?
 2)  a 24. hour trip to college station with marcy to celebrate the 4th anniversary of our friend ryan's 30th birthday.  at the tailgate we enjoyed the best of college station: wings-n-more, layne's, pepperoni rolls, and bud light.

 3) thai takeout.
 4) thanksgiving morning nature walk.

 5) feasting at my parent's house.

 6) hanging with all my girls (plus their hubs and kids)...even jami and steve were in town from germany!
 7) getting a christmas tree.  this day usually results in a crooked tree and short tempers, but not this year.  it was drama-free and wonderful.

 ( i do realize that i am leading you to believe that my children never wear pants.)

8) feeling crafty and making a wreath that will allow santa to enter our chimney-less house.
 looking forward to dinner and window shopping in the bishop arts district tonight.

how was your week?  what are you looking forward to?

until next time,

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