hi my loves,

photo via.
i am grumpy today. i am doing my best to break this funk by telling you about something really special (to me anyway) that happened yesterday.
i have a new best friend (she might not agree). her name is nina, of the blog naturally nina. and i don't know her. she's a pretty big deal. she has 874 followers, and i have 7, if that gives you any idea. her blog is charming. she writes from her heart and shares with her readers the highs and lows of her life (falling in love, getting engaged, quitting her job, changing careers, her insecurities, becoming a yoga instructor, planning a wedding). she is kind and honest and values her readers.
anywho, a couple of months ago she asked her readers advice (as she often does) as to whether she and her fiance should film their wedding. they, much like chris and i, tend to think that wedding videos are a little cheesy. and the idea of a cameraman in your face on your wedding day seems less than appealing. i never replied to her question, but i kept thinking about it. after feeling especially sentimental recently, i decided to finally reply with my advice. i told her to do it. i told her about losing kathleen and pop to cancer. and about how we would give anything to hear their voices again and listen to the kind words they spoke about us on our special day.
well, she wrote back. and this is a little of what she said:
i definitely want to have a record of the evening, just in case, like you said. and the speeches! i know i'll want to watch those over and over. thanks so much for saying such sweet things about my blog. you are adorable and i am SO flattered. off to read your blog! xoxoxo.
love, nina
i love her. she did not have to respond to me. she doesn't know me from adam. and she read my tiny little blog. her kindness made my day.
i started reading blogs when i was on bed-rest at the end of my pregnancy. i had a LOT of time alone with the computer. and there are only so many soap operas you can watch before you want to gouge your eyeballs out. i have found some favorites along the way. here are some and here's why i love them, just in case you too one day have too much time on your hands and can't bear another soap opera.
naturally nina: see above.
life according to celia: she is my age. she loves food. she is funny and sarcastic. perfection.
simple lovely: she is a dallas girl. and artsy. and well, really cool.
c jane: writes essays. hilarious and so, so real.
nienie: if you like blogs, you must, i mean MUST read nienie. go back in the archives and be transformed by her story.
my favorite and my best: she curses, she's a southern girl and just happens to be really funny. three of my favorite qualities in a person ;)
pioneer woman: she's the original. she is the best for a reason.
there are also bloggers whom i know and love. i live for the days these ladies post so that i can: see pictures of my nieces and nephew, see what inspires my sister, find out what's on marli's running playlist, see what miss avery is up to, and admire the way that michelle writes.
keep up the good work, girls. i count on it :)
and that's all i have to say about that. (in my best forest gump voice).
p.s. i need a little blogging etiquette advice. do i need to notify the bloggers that they are being mentioned on my blog? or do i just have to ask permission to use something from their blog? i'm so confrused.
i read all those... except c jane. i will have to check her out! thanks for the shoutout cort. =)