
this and that

it's time to clean out my reader.  again.  
i hope you also enjoy these things that have recently caught my eye.

1) although my marriage proposal was the best, best, best ever, this one might just take a close second.

2) my friend jessica is a bad-ass.  she lives in chicago and somehow, someway, magically managed to get her hands on two tickets to OPRAH'S LAST SHOW!  she blogged about it here.  oh oprah, how we will miss you.

3) the artist, annie terrazzo, paints on newspaper she finds on the subway floor.  why, you ask?  because it is free.  read more about it here.  thanks for the eye candy, alice.
4) in chicago, i was awestruck by 'the bean'.  i can only imagine how i would feel walking around this beauty.  yet another reason to go to paris.  read more here.

5) artist yeondoo jung recreates pictures drawn by his children.  so clever.

6) cute, cute, cute.
{my personal fave}

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