
raising a human being

i feel like i have fallen off of my blog-wagon.  but man, we are struggling a bit around here.  with being three.  with limits.  with being the kind of momma i know i need to be, and feeling like i'm falling a smidge short.  ben has always struggled with change and transition (and here we are smack in the middle of starting a new school, soccer and momma going back to work).  bless his heart, he gets it honestly.  poor kid, the best AND the worst of me are all tangled up in his dna.  so after a looong morning and a nap-time battle of epic proportions, i sat down to browse through pinterest and saw just the reminder i needed.

Source: etsy.com via Cortney on Pinterest


  1. i needed to read that quote tonight, thank you. this parenting gig is truly the hardest thing i have ever done, i can't imagine what it must be like with 2. keep your head up!

  2. That is a great reminder, for sure. That much change is a lot for anyone to handle, but just think about that point in the not-so-distant future when you will look back on this change and realize it's all become the new normal. And rest assured that in the meantime, you are taking great care of those little human beings - it's obvious in the way you are seeking clarity and inspiration to do the best you can for them!

  3. Oh Cort-- I hate that you're feeling like this. There is nothing worse, in my opinion, than Mama-guilt. But I've experienced you as a mother and you are incredible. Your kids are incredible. You're just in the trenches right now. But the weekend is near! I hope that you get some relief... At least some tag-team help! Love you-

  4. oh, i really needed that quote. how is it possible that 3 years old is harder than 3 days old? hardest job i've ever done. SO GLAD there are no bi-annual performance reviews...
